
『The Brioso Brass』は


その名の通り陽気で楽しいステージをブラスバンドの魅力と共に皆様にお届けできますよう日々研鑽に励んでいます。フィリップ・スパークの委嘱作品『Marcho Brioso』をはじめ、数多くのブラスバンドオリジナル作品やオーケストラ・吹奏楽曲からのアレンジ作品、童謡やポップスまで幅広いレパートリーを取り揃えておりますので、ぜひお楽しみください。
The Brioso Brass is a British style brass band at the northernmost tip that is based in Hokkaido Asahikawa city founded in 2004. “Happy the world! “As a band philosophy, we are active actively participating in various events, mainly holding voluntary performances twice a year.

“Brioso” which is the crown name of our team means “cheerfully and lively” in music terms. We are excited about our daily efforts so that we can deliver cheerful and pleasant stages to everyone along with the charm of the brass band as its name suggests.We have a wide repertoire, including Philip Spark’s commissioned work “Marcho Brioso”, numerous brass band original works, arrangement works from orchestra and wind music, nursery rhymes and pops, so please enjoy it.